Astronomic, space science, and astrophysics allows us to see the universe and our place in it. Through studying these subjects, mankind has continually enlarged its horizon and explored the Cosmos. The subjects continually evolve and change every year based on discoveries by researchers all around the world. astronomy is one of the oldest science practiced by most of the world's ancient civilizations and one of the most modern, relying on many recent discoveries on high technology and the space program. It is an observational science that provides our view of the vast ranges of scales of space, time, and physical conditions in the universe. Astrophysics in the underlying physical concepts, of the stars and galaxies, which composed the universe, providing an understanding of the physical nature of bodies and processes in space and the instruments and techniques used in modern astronomical research. The space is often referred to as the Final Frontier of exploration by mankind. space exploration and observations depends to a large extent on satellites and other forms of space probs. The designers of space equipments need a good understanding of physics and astrophysics, together with specialized engineering skills. 

- Astronomy: Natural science which deals with composition, motion, and other additional features of celestial bodies is called ASTRONOMY. There are various branches of astronomy (Astronomy+Physics), Astrodynamics, Astrobiology etc. The scientist pertaining to astronomy are called as Astronomers.

-Universe/Cosmos: Our Earth, space, and every celestial body like galaxy, sun, star, planet, comet etc. Present in the system are collectively called Universe/Cosmos while Studying it called COSMOLOGY.

Our universe is made up of billions of galaxies and every galaxy has billions of stars. These stars may have their own family like a solar system which has eight planets including earth as a member of the family.

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